2024.8.8~ 8.10 Guangzhou, China
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Event News Exhibitor News Media Partners Release
Clicks : Release time :2024-01-23 10:10:49




Connecting Investors to the Core of Industries in Africa to Build Strong and Lasting Partnerships


Corporate Africa media platforms, print, digital, social media, and international conferences, generates confidence in the markets and industries of Africa. With the formation of the Africa single market AfCFTA, Corporate Africa works to connect investors with governments, financiers, technologists and corporate leaders to generate win-win partnerships, transfers of technology, and joint exploitation of products and services in their chosen markets: Corporate Africa Marketing team works to create broader and deeper industry bases and value-chains across African regions. AfCFTA members seeking to connect with investors from G-20 nations to build their markets and economies exploit Corporate Africa’s high value adding environment and services to achieve their goals and opportunities. 

Guangzhou, China
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