About Ecology&Business journal:
Mass Media, is published as a special issue, our editorial office located in Russia, Moscow. our website: www.ecologybusiness.ru email: ecobusinessjournal@gmail.com
We cover the following areas:
• Poli5cs: about bills, programs being developed and applied at the government level, economic issues in produc>on, the statement of ministers, the performance of regional representa>ves.
• Industry and technologies: about environmental, green solu>ons, modern and safe approaches in the produc>on, development, introduc>on and applica>on of safe technologies to improve produc>on.
• Recycling, u5liza5on, zero waste: about environmental problems, industrial and household waste in produc>on, in housing condi>ons. The search for solu>ons.
• Science and educa5on: about impact of scien>fic advances and discoveries, pros and cons, sugges>ons of the scien>sts.
• Agriculture: agriculture, fer>liser produc>on, soil conserva>on technology, healthy living.
• Beauty and health: about new methods and solu>ons in the produc>on of cosme>cs, personal care products, household chemicals, etc.
• Environment: about environmental protec>on and ra>onal use of natural resources - water, air, land. The study of weather and climate problems, nature reserves.
DISTRIBUTION: industrial, chemical, agro-industrial, metallurgical companies, profile commiCees of the State Duma of the Russian Federa>on. Departments of ministries and departments of the Government of the Russian Federa>on, regional and republican Administra>on, environmental organisa>ons, exhibi>ons, forums, conferences, business events, Russia and p