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Event News Exhibitor News Media Partners Release
121 Group
Clicks : Release time :2023-10-24 18:37:53

The Assay is the publication arm of 121 Group, providing investment news, insights, and company highlights and news as both an online and print publication.

Their two-page company profiles showcase a range of exploration, development, and production assets, highlighting each company’s key projects, jurisdiction information, investment highlights, and recent news flow.

Company news flow is also highlighted across The Assay News page, noting key milestones in financing and M&A, exploration, drilling results, and more.

Feature articles include contributions from the top investment names in the industry, speaking on the main investment themes of the day.

The Assay TV is a video series that allows company CEOs to share project and company update with our wider Assay audience.

Guangzhou, China
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