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Equipment and Tools for Professionals
Clicks : Release time :2023-11-07 09:43:19

Equipment and Tools for Professionals

International information and technology magazine for professionals and about professionalsю. It has been published since 2000 and is over 100 A4 format colour pages in volume. The circulation figurers are 10,000 copies, and always on our website. Metalworking series - 6 Issues a year.

Distribution of the magazine:

about 3,000 - subscription (Ukraine, Poland, Germany);

2,000-4,000 - presentations at specialised exhibitions, conferences and workshops in Ukraine, Germany, Italy and Poland;

2,000-3,000 - direct mailing (advertising and on request, using database of our editorial staff).

Main rubrics of the Metalworking series:

machines and equipment;


technologies of machine-building equipment production;

welding and thermal cutting;

materials, accessories and coatings;

compressors and pumps;

foundry, metallurgy;

monitoring and diagnostics;

CAD/CAM/CAE technologies;

ecology and energy saving;

wastes disposal;

enterprise managing;

specialized exhibitions, workshops, conferences;

history of science and engineering.

Target groups:

Management and leading specialists of industrial enterprises producing and dealing in equipment and accessories, as well as enterprises working in the sphere of equipment repair and modernization; research officers, university teachers and students.


Advertising in our magazine means:

§ working with a definite target group of professionals (our readers are a priory interested in your information and await news and offers);

§ a possibility to publish articles, analytical materials and presentations;

§ a possibility for a complex advertising company conduction;

§ a possibility for your materialsdelivery with our publications.

§ distribution of your advertising information (leaflets, fly-leaves) at exhibitions and beyond;

§ placing your company banner or special article at our web-site;

§ organisation of conferences, presentations, seminars (at exhibitions and beyond);

§ preparation and placing of an image article in the column Company: Success story;

§ giving free business information about your company and goods to those interested.

Website: http://www.InformDom.com 

Guangzhou, China
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